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A curious child or An Explorer?

  • بواسطة

Most of the mothers complain that their children are super-active and have the need to explore things in their own way. But sometimes we do not know how to deal with their curiosity or when they shower us with tons of questions regarding a certain topic.  

Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Exchanging roles

When your child starts to ask you certain questions, try to interact with him and then ask questions related to the one he asked you before. This will build trust, widen your child’s intelligence mind, and enhance a good relationship between you and him.

  • Be a companion

Be his companion in exploring his journey, if he asks you a question that you do not know, try to search for the answer with him so he can find the desired answer.

  • Let him try

One day our children will grow up and they will have to figure out things alone. Just give him some freedom to explore things around him so he can examine the results that will lead him to conclusions in the present and the near future.

Finally, those were some tips to guide you to become a companion, a mother, and an explorer for your child.   

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